It will be very easy for SAP technical professionals to activate a particular debugger point at will. While this is possible with session/external break-points, it doesnt work very well incase of non SAP GUI based clients like EPM Add-in/SAP UI5 etc. Adding infinite loops are one of the tricks to stop a process at a particular point, however incase of non editable systems like Quality or production this will not be possible.

So dynamically activated switches for infinite loops based on user details can be great asset for troublshooting a variety of new age applications like SAP BPC,EPM, SAP UI5 components. This requires a simple transaction table and small piece of code. This piece of code can be copied anywhere for a potential debugger points.

Following will be the structure of database table required and its content.Debug-Table-Structure

This table can be enabled to allow data creation, So that we can create entries on this table dynamically including in Quality and Production systems. You can create any number of debug id entries as shown below.


Following code of the actual debugger Method, this can be created in a function module or ABAP OO Class.


Finally following the code for calling debugger method. You may place this call debug method code in as many places as you may want with different debug IDs.






By this way you can initiate debug loops without a need for break-points, Also you may activate the debug loop on for particular user that way not disrupting any other user activity. Please like us our facebook/LinkedIn page to receive more use full technical information.